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LEVEL2 Intricate Electronics
Learning to prototype electronic projects on a breadboard is what all engineers learn early in their studies. The children use the knowledge of electronic components and circuits that they gained in the previous course to build exciting electronic projects on a protyping breadboard, working with REAL electronic components.
Their ability to follow complex circuit diagrams improves until they can build a piano and even a robot from scratch.
Once they have mastered prototyping, they learn how to make a project more permanent by soldering.
Understanding a prototyping breadboard
Using timing and op amp ICs in circuits
Understanding INPUTS and OUTPUTS
Voltage dividers
Resistance, LDRs and potentiometers
Safety in soldering
PCB soldering and wire soldering
Child must be at least 10 years old or currently in Grade 4
Completed Level 1 Beginner Electronics
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